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Traian Hristea: Vilnius Agreement Paved A New Way For Reconsidering

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  • Traian Hristea: Vilnius Agreement Paved A New Way For Reconsidering

    Wednesday 12 March 2014 17:17

    Traian Hristea

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. Head of the EU Delegation in Armenia Traian
    Hristea stated today that the agreement reached in Vilnius between
    the EU and Armenia over November 2013 and the joint statement paved
    a new way for considering the cooperation frameworks.

    Traian Hristea stated it at the "EU-Armenia Cooperation: Presenting
    the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument" conference,
    Mediamax reports.

    "We will go on with our cooperation trying to carry out through
    certain tools the agreements achieved in Vilnius with our Armenian
    partners. The projects presented today are only part of the support we
    render. At the conference we will discuss procedural issues related
    to how we should move ahead within Armenian President's September
    3 decision", said the Head of the EU Delegation noting that it's a
    "good chance to put back concerns that the EU terminates assistance
    to Armenia".

    "The conference aims at the presentation of different technical
    assistance forms applicable in the framework of the cooperation, their
    application mechanisms, the current state of the underway projects
    and their further steps and underlining spheres by the Ministry
    of Economy, which is the National Coordinator of EU Assistance in
    Armenia, to the beneficiary authorities", Armenian Deputy Minister
    Garegin Melkonyan stated.

    Head of EU-Armenia Cooperation Sector Hoa-Binh Adjemian noted that
    the cooperation complies with the European Neighborhood partnership:
    "The scales of bilateral cooperation with several EU states are
    already known. There are also additional support projects".

    According to Hoa-Binh Adjemian, the cooperation will focus on the
    strengthening of democratic institutions and justice system and steps
    will be taken to ensure rule of law, protection of human rights,
    combating corruption, strengthening the civil society and improving
    business and investment environment.

    "In this context, the EU and Armenia have already started working on a
    new technical and financial assistance cooperation", stated Hoa-Binh
    Adjemian. Preference will be given to the spheres of agriculture,
    justice and private sector.

    According to the speakers, technical and financial support instruments
    will be employed. Commenting on the volume of budget assistance, the
    parties noted that it's still too early to speak of exact numbers. The
    results of projects carried out within EU-Armenia cooperation were
    also presented.
