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Putin is getting the kind of Eastern Europe he wants

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  • Putin is getting the kind of Eastern Europe he wants

    iPolitics, Canada
    Sept 26 2014

    Putin is getting the kind of Eastern Europe he wants

    By Jonathan Manthorpe

    Vladimir Putin ordered the withdrawal of some Russian troops from the
    separatist regions of eastern Ukraine this week, but it wasn't a
    retreat. In fact, the Russian president now has what he wants: another
    Moscow-dominated buffer state protecting his flanks from NATO

    In theory, the September 5 cease-fire agreement prepared the ground
    for a political solution in Ukraine by allowing greater autonomy for
    the pro-Russian regions of Lugansk and Donetsk. But if Putin's past
    actions in ethnically riven states on the borders of the old Soviet
    Union are any guide, the cease-fire line and its 30-kilometre security
    zone will become the boundary of a new, pro-Moscow, quasi-independent
    state in eastern Ukraine.

    The existence of the partitioned Lugansk/Donetsk enclave and, as the
    months and years go by, the shrinking hope of any resolution of the
    separation will hobble any efforts by the pro-western administration
    in Kyiv to join the European Union or the North Atlantic Treaty

    That's what Putin wants -- and he's worked this trick before with great
    success. When leaders of the former Soviet state of Georgia made
    overtures to NATO and the EU in 2008, Putin recognized the
    independence of the country's two pro-Russian breakaway regions of
    Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

    The Georgian government in Tblisi attempted to regain control of the
    regions, but Russia intervened on their behalf. The Moscow forces
    mounted a blitzkrieg across the country, routing the Georgian forces.
    Before retiring and agreeing to a cease-fire, the Russians made it
    clear that they could have occupied Tblisi if they'd wanted to.

    Six years later, Russian troops remain in South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
    Their presence, and the partition of the country, have effectively
    deferred Georgia's desire for western alliances. Georgia still says it
    would like to join NATO, but the idea remains in limbo. Georgian Prime
    Minister Irakli Garibashvili said at a press conference in Brussels in
    June that his country could be a full EU member within 5 to 10 years.
    However, he stressed that Georgia did not have fixed a date for
    bidding for EU membership.

    Putin went out on a legal limb by giving Moscow's official recognition
    to the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. He played his cards
    differently when constructing another buffer enclave -- Transdniestria
    in south-eastern Moldova, a landlocked ex-Soviet state wedged between
    Romania and Ukraine.

    It looks very much as though Ukraine's Lugansk and Donetsk are joining
    what have been called 'frozen conflicts' -- Moscow-controlled buffer
    states, in reality.

    The Moldovan region between the eastern bank of Dniestria River and
    Ukraine has been occupied by Russian troops since a civil war in 1992
    after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The European Court of Human
    Rights describes Transdniestria as "under the effective authority, or
    at least decisive influence of Russia."

    Moldova is in the very early stages of applying for EU membership. It
    also has made some tentative and inconclusive overtures to NATO. But
    in both these cases the presence of Russian troops in Transdniestria,
    while technically illegal, is a reality that colours the whole

    It looks very much as though Ukraine's Lugansk and Donetsk are joining
    what have been called "frozen conflicts" -- Moscow-controlled buffer
    states, in reality. There's another one of these Moscow-aligned
    partitioned states on Russia's border with NATO member Turkey in the
    South Caucasus. Ngorno-Karabakh was sliced out of Azerbaijan during a
    three-year war, aided by its ethnic siblings in neighbouring Armenia,
    which ended with a cease-fire in 1994.

    Armenia has resisted incorporating Ngorno-Karabakh, but its influence
    in the region is great. In its foreign and military policies, Armenia
    dances an intricate and sure-footed quickstep, leaning sometimes on
    the arm of western Europe, but more often and with greater affection
    on the arm of Moscow.

    Ngorno-Karabakh is recognized as an independent nation by only three
    other administrations. And those three tell us all we need to know
    about Ngorno-Karabakh's relations with Moscow and its position in the
    firmament of Russian buffer states. The three are South Ossetia,
    Abkhazia and Transdniestria. There are no prizes for betting that
    sometime soon the "frozen conflict" zone of Lugansk and Donetsk will
    also recognize the independence of Ngorno-Karabakh.

    This all pre-supposes, of course, that Ukraine is not going to regain
    suzerainty over its dissident eastern territories in the foreseeable
    future. There is little reason to believe that Kyiv has either the
    military muscle or the diplomatic clout to retake Lugansk and Donetsk.
    The Ukrainian military was no match initially for the rebels, with
    their unmarked Russian allies. Years of under-funding, bad or no
    training and an officer corps still set in Cold War ways took their
    toll on Kyiv's forces.

    However, a rapid reformation of the military by Kyiv in July and
    August showed immediate results, and for a while it seemed the
    national forces might defeat the separatists. But then the Russians
    strode in with more fighters, more sophisticated weaponry and even
    shelled Ukrainian forces from Russian territory.

    The Russians and separatists then made the first moves in opening a
    new front along the Sea of Azov coast around Novoazovzk and Mariupol,
    raising the prospect of a link-up with Crimea -- whose loss to the
    Ukraine earlier in the year is probably irreversible. This lunge by
    the Russian forces may have been a feint to scare Kyiv into agreeing
    to a cease-fire before the war got out of hand and engulfed the whole
    of eastern Ukraine.

    If so, it worked -- and there can be little doubt that if Russia's
    Donetsk and Lugansk "frozen conflict" enclave is threatened, Moscow
    will do the same again.

    Jonathan Manthorpe has been a foreign correspondent and international
    affairs columnist for nearly 40 years. He was European bureau chief
    for the Toronto Star and then Southam News in the late 1970s and the
    1980s. In 1989 he was appointed Africa correspondent by Southam News
    and in 1993 was posted to Hong Kong to cover Asia. For the last few
    years he has been based in Vancouver, writing international affairs
    columns for what is now the Postmedia Group. He left the group last
    year and now writes for a range of newspapers and websites.
    [email protected]

    The views, opinions and positions expressed by all iPolitics
    columnists and contributors are the author's alone. They do not
    inherently or expressly reflect the views, opinions and/or positions
    of iPolitics.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress