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Crossroads E-Newsletter - February 5, 2015

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - February 5, 2015

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168

    February 5, 2015


    The national observance in the United States includes special events
    that will take place over a three-day period (May 7, 8, 9) in
    Washington, DC, that includes an ecumenical prayer service, a
    Pontifical Divine Liturgy, a memorial concert, and an awards banquet
    honoring those who helped the survivors. The Catholicoi, His Holiness
    Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, and His Holiness Aram I,
    Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, will be present to preside
    over the events. Armenians from all over the United States are
    expected to participate in solidarity and unity.

    Learn more about the national observance at

    In New York, commemorative events organized by a joint united
    committee will take place on April 24, 25, and 26, including the
    annual gathering at Times Square on Sunday, April 26.


    The State Commission that is coordinating the events for the 100th
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide released a Pan-Armenian
    Declaration last week. Following a meeting of the Commission,
    President Serge Sarkisian, His Holiness Karekin II, and His Holiness
    Aram I, were joined by commission members and participants at a
    service at the Dzidzernagapert Memorial where they honored the victims
    of the Armenian Genocide. President Sarkisian read the Pan-Armenian
    Declaration that calls on Turkey to `recognize and condemn the
    Armenian Genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire, and to face its
    own history and memory through commemorating the victims of the
    heinous crime against humanity and renouncing the policy of
    falsification, denialism,
    and banalization of this indisputable fact.'

    Read the full text here


    In conjunction with the Ghevontiants commemoration, all Prelacy
    parishes will observe a special requiem service this Sunday, February
    8, in memory of
    the deceased clergy who served the Prelacy.

    Remembered with gratitude and honor:

    His Holiness Catholicos Zareh I, His Holiness Catholicos Khoren I, His
    Holiness Catholicos Karekin I, Supreme Patriarch of All Armenians,
    Archbishop Hrant Khatchadourian, Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian, Archbishop
    Sumbat Lapajian, V. Rev. Fr. Vaghinag Sisagian, V. Rev. Fr. Ghevont
    Martougesian, V. Rev. Fr. Nishan Papazian, V. Rev. Fr. Barour
    Ekmekjian, V. Rev. Fr. Oshagan Minasian, Rev. Fr. Mesrob Amrigian,
    Rev. Fr. Arsen Varjabedian, Rev. Fr. Mateos
    Mannigian, Rev. Fr. Bedros Mampreian, Rev. Fr. Stepanos Garabedian,
    Rev. Fr. Mesrob Der Hovanesian, Rev. Fr. Houssig Naghnikian,
    Rev. Fr. Adom Melikian, Rev. Fr. Yeghishe Kasbarian, Rev. Fr. Ghevont
    Khosrovian, Rev. Fr. Bedros Kasarjian, Rev. Fr. Sahag Balian,
    Rev. Fr. Ghevont Papazian, Rev. Fr. Papken Kasbarian, Rev. Fr. Sahag
    Yeghigyan, Rev. Fr. Nerses Shahinian, Rev. Fr. Bsag Sarkisian,
    Rev. Fr. Yeghishe Mkitarian, Rev. Fr. Souren Papakhian, Rev. Fr. Arsen
    Simeoniantz, Rev. Fr. Movses Der Stepanian, Rev. Fr. Mampre Biberian,
    Rev. Fr. Khachadour Giragossian, Rev. Fr. Yervant Yeretzian, Rev.
    Fr. Gomidas Der Torosian, Rev. Fr. Movses Shrikian, Rev. Fr. Dickran
    Khoyan, Rev. Fr. Smpad Der Mekhsian, Rev. Fr. Vahan Ghazarian,
    Rev. Fr. Ashod Kochian, Rev. Fr. Arshavir Sevdalian, Rev. Fr. Kourken
    Yaralian, Rev. Fr. Arsen Hagopian, Rev. Fr. Sarkis Antreasian,
    Rev. Fr. Sahag Andekian, Rev. Fr. Hmayag Minoyan, Rev. Fr. Krikor
    Hairabedian, Rev. Fr. Asoghik Kiledjian, Rev. Fr. Varant Bedrosian,
    Rev. Fr. Sahag Vertanessian, Rev. Fr. Vartan Kassabian,
    Rev. Fr. Torkom Hagopian, Rev. Fr. Anoushavan Artinian,
    Rev. Fr. Geghart Baboghlian, Rev. Fr. Arshag Daghlian, Rev. Fr. Vatche
    Naccachian, Rev. Fr. Vahrich Shirinian, Rev. Fr. Vartan Arakelian,
    Rev. Fr. Gorun Shrikian.

    O Christ, Son of God, forbearing and compassionate, through your love
    as creator, have mercy upon the souls of your departed servants. Be
    mindful of them on the great day of the coming of your kingdom. Make
    them worthy of your mercy and of remission and forgiveness of their
    sins, glorify and number
    them among the saints of your right hand.

    (From the Armenian Church's Repose of Souls [Hokehankist] service)


    A Pilgrimage to experience the Blessing of the Holy Oil (Muronorhnek)
    in Antelias, Lebanon, is being organized with two options: Option A,
    to Lebanon
    only (July 12-21); Option B, to Lebanon, Armenia and Artsakh (July
    Space is limited; reservations must be made by February 12. Check
    details below:


    Bible readings for Sunday, February 8, Fourth Sunday after Nativity,
    are: Isaiah 63:18-64:12; Titus 1:1-11; John 7:37-52.

    Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, for the sake of
    faith of God's elect and the knowledge of the truth that is in
    accordance with godliness, in the hope of eternal life that God, who
    never lies, promised before the ages began-in due time he revealed his
    word through the proclamation with which I have been entrusted by the
    command of
    God our Savior,

    To Titus, my loyal child in the faith we share: Grace and peace from
    God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.

    I left you behind in Crete for this reason, so that you should put in
    order what remained to be done, and should appoint elders in every
    town, as I directed you: someone who is blameless, married only once,
    whose children are believers, not accused of debauchery and not
    rebellious. For a bishop, as God's steward, must be blameless; he must
    not be arrogant or
    quick-tempered or addicted to wine or violent or greedy for gain ; but
    he must be hospitable, a lover of goodness, prudent, upright, devout,
    and self-controlled. He must have a firmer grasp of the word that is
    trustworthy in
    accordance with the teaching, so that he may be able both to preach
    with sound doctrine and refute those who contradict it.

    There are also many rebellious people, idle talkers and deceivers,
    especially those of the circumcision; they must be silenced, since
    they are upsetting whole families by teaching for sordid gain what it
    is not right to teach. (Titus 1:1-11)

    For a listing of the coming week's Bible readings click here


    Today, Thursday, February 5, the Armenian Church remembers the Voskian
    priests-five men who were sent to Rome as ambassadors by the Armenian
    king, Sanadrook. On the road to Rome they met the Apostle Thaddeus who
    converted and baptized them. The leader of the five was named
    Voski. They lived
    in the mountains as hermits for forty years, after which they preached
    to the Royal Court. They were martyred in 107 AD.


    This Saturday, February 7, the Armenian Church commemorates Catholicos
    Sahag (Isaac) Bartev, a strong and great leader who is recognized as
    one of the greatest saints of the Armenian Church. His great
    accomplishments, even during very difficult political situations,
    secured the survival of the Armenian nation.

    He was the son of St. Nerses the Great and a descendant of St. Gregory
    Illuminator. Orphaned at an early age, he nevertheless received an
    excellent literary education, especially in eastern languages. He was
    the one who encouraged and supported Mesrob Mashdots in the creation
    of the Armenian alphabet. Soon after this great event Catholicos Sahag
    began the first translation of the Holy Bible and he led and guided
    the vast body of works that were translated into Armenian, thus
    creating Armenia's `Golden Age of Literature.' He was an ardent
    believer in education and ecclesiastical discipline and canon law. He
    is recognized as the person who kept Armenia ecclesiastically and
    nationally autonomous.

    St. Sahag is believed to have died in 437 at an advanced age of 89
    (some sources claim much older). With the death of Catholicos Sahag
    Bartev the line of St. Gregory the Illuminator came to an end.


    This Tuesday, February 10, the Armenian Church commemorates the Feast
    of the Holy Ghevontian (Leontine) priests. After the battle of
    Vartanantz, a group of priests and deacons was abducted by the Persian
    king and imprisoned,
    tortured and martyred. Ghevont is revered as the leader of the group
    because he was an advisor to Vartan Mamigonian, and was remembered for
    the inspiring message he delivered on the eve of the battle at
    Avarayr. Ghevont, who
    was highly educated, assisted Sahag and Mesrob in translating the
    Bible into Armenian.

    The Ghevontian Fathers, martyred in 454 are: Catholicos Hovsep;
    Bishops Sahag and Tatig; Priests Ghevont, Moushegh, Arshen, Manuel,
    Abraham, and Khoren; Deacons Kachach and Abraham.


    The 2015 Lenten Lectures will begin on Wednesday, February 18, and
    continue through subsequent Wednesdays during Lent. The theme of the
    lectures will
    be the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide with reflections offered by
    a total of eighteen young adults, three each week.

    The Prelacy's Lenten lectures continue a decades-old tradition. The
    series is sponsored by the Armenian Religious Education Council, the
    Prelacy Ladies Guild (PLG), and the Ladies Guild of St. Illuminator's
    Cathedral. The lectures take place at the Cathedral, 221 East 27th
    Street, New York City, with church service at 7:30 pm; Reflections at
    8 pm; and Fellowship at 8:45 pm.


    The 32nd Musical Armenia concert will take place on Friday, March 20,
    8 pm, at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York City. This
    year's concert is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide and will feature artists Patil Harboyan (piano) and Heather
    Tuach (cello)
    in a program that includes compositions by Komitas, Khachaturian,
    Babajanian, Atamian, Saradjian, Stepanian, and Talalyan.To purchase
    tickets from the Carnegie Hall box office click here


    The parishioners of St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York,
    celebrated the name day of their church last Sunday, February 1. The
    Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian,Vicar
    General of the Prelacy, who
    also delivered a sermon about the life of St. Sarkis.

    Following the Liturgy, parishioners were welcomed to the church's main
    hall, where a banquet and program awaited them. The committee hosted a
    delicious luncheon in a beautifully decorated hall. Guests enjoyed a
    year end video prepared by Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian that highlighted
    the memorable moments throughout the year. Following the video,
    Armenistring, a group of young violinists under the leadership of
    Mrs. Diana Vasilian performed and entertained the guests.

    Bishop Anoushavan and Der Nareg surrounded by altar servers and choir
    members at St. Sarkis Church.

    Members of `Armenistring' entertain the guests at the luncheon that
    followed the Liturgy.


    ...When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right
    hand is doing, so that your alms may be done in secret; and your
    Father who sees in secret will reward you. (Matthew 6:3)

    During the past six months, various gifts of gratitude have been
    in the mailbox of St. Illuminator's Cathedral on 27th Street in New
    York City. These gifts, always left anonymously, have been accompanied
    with short messages, such as: `Keep up the good work,' =80=9CPray for
    peace,' `God bless you,' `Use the money for church supplies,' `Use the
    money for transportation,' and `Light a candle.'

    Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, pastor of the Cathedral, wishes to express
    appreciation to this faithful donor of Christian charity. `We are
    grateful to this very thoughtful person, and hope he or she will see
    this and know how heartwarming and uplifting the gifts have been for


    Students at the Hamasdegh School of Soorp Khatch Church in Bethesda,
    Maryland, created cards and letters for the children of Aleppo. The
    president of
    the school's PTA, Tsoghig Hekimian, forwarded the children's artwork
    to Archbishop Oshagan asking him to send to students in Aleppo.
    `We would like the children of Aleppo to know that we are thinking
    about them and we are praying for their safety,' said
    Ms. Hekimian. The creative and colorful messages were accompanied with
    donations totaling more than $600.00 for Aleppo relief, with the
    expressed hope that =80=9Cthe small sum we have collected will be able
    to help our brothers and sisters.' Archbishop Oshagan received the
    messages and donations with deep appreciation for the students'
    thoughtful gesture and expressed thanks for remembering and helping
    the Syrian Armenian community.


    The crisis in Syria requires our financial assistance.

    Please keep this community in your prayers, your hearts, and your





    Armenian Prelacy

    138 E. 39th Street

    New York, NY 10016

    Checks payable to: Fund for Syrian Armenian Relief

    Thank you for your help


    Prepared by the Armenian National Education Committee (ANEC)

    Birth of Armen Garo (February 9, 1872)

    Armen Garo was the ambassador of the first Republic of Armenia in the
    United States from 1918-1921, but that was the ending chapter of a
    comparatively short life dedicated to serve his people.

    Karekin Pastermadjian was born on February 9, 1872 in Garin (Armenian
    of Erzerum). He completed his studies at the Sanasarian School of his
    birthplace and graduated in 1891. Three years later, he went to France
    to pursue higher education at the School of Agronomy of the University
    of Nancy. In
    the meantime, he became a member of the Armenian Revolutionary

    When the Armenians of Zeitun started their second rebellion against
    the power of Sultan Abdul Hamid in the winter of 1895-1896, Karekin
    abandoned his
    studies and decided to help them. He went to Geneva, the center of the
    A.R.F., and was sent to Egypt to help the rebels. Soon he left Egypt
    with a group of fellow activists and entered the Ottoman Empire. At
    this time, he took his pseudonym Armen Garo.

    He organized the occupation of the Ottoman Bank, the main financial
    institution of the empire, controlled by European capitals, together
    with another
    young party member, Papken Siuni (pseudonym of Bedros Parian). The
    group of 26 revolutionaries hoped to attract the attention of Europe
    and threatened to destroy the bank if Turkey did not enact reforms in
    Western Armenia.
    After the death of Papken Siuni during the occupation, in August
    1896, Armen Garo took command. Finally, on August 27, the group left
    the bank under the warranty of European powers for Marseilles.

    Armen Garo was forced to leave France and go to Switzerland, where he
    continued his studies at the University of Geneva. Meanwhile, he
    continued his activities within the A.R.F. He graduated in 1900 with a
    Ph.D. in physics and chemistry. A year later, he opened a laboratory
    in Tiflis to carry out research in the field of chemistry.

    The A.R.F. organized the Armenian self-defense during the Armeno-Tatar
    conflict of 1906-1907. Armen Garo headed the Armenian volunteer groups
    of self-defense in Tiflis.

    After the Ottoman Revolution of 1908, the Armenians of Erzerum, as
    well as
    the A.R.F., asked Armen Garo to become their candidate in the
    forthcoming elections for the Ottoman Parliament.

    After finishing his four-year term as a Parliament member, in 1913
    Armen Garo was actively involved in the discussions for the Armenian
    reforms. In the fall of 1914, he crossed the frontier and went to
    Russia, where he participated in the organization of the Armenian
    volunteer battalions in the Russian army that would fight in the
    Caucasian front against the Ottoman Empire. In November 1914 he
    accompanied the second battalion as representative of the Armenian
    National Bureau of Tiflis. However, when its commander, Dro,
    was wounded, Armen Garo was forced to replace him and led the
    battalion in
    the Caucasian front until March 1915. Afterwards, he reached Van with
    the volunteers, bringing the self-defense of the city against the
    Turkish forces to a successful end.

    In 1917 he came to the United States as representative of the Armenian
    National Council of Tiflis. After the proclamation of the Republic of
    he was designated ambassador. Together with Shahan Natalie, from
    he was the main organizer of the Nemesis Operation, the A.R.F. covert
    operation to punish the main culprits of the Armenian Genocide.

    Weakened by long years of non-stop activities, as well as the final
    fall of the Republic, Armen Garo passed away in Geneva on March 23,
    1923 from heart disease at the age of 51. His memoirs, published in
    the monthly Hairenik, were later collected in a book (1948). His son
    was historian Hrand Pastermadjian, who published a well-regarded
    history of Armenia in French.

    Previous entries in `This Week in Armenian History' can be
    read on the Prelacy's web site (


    Anita Darian, a soprano whose four-octave voice earned her the
    of `The Armenian Yma Sumac,' died last Sunday in New York.
    Born Anita Esgandarian in Detroit on April 26, 1927, she had a
    successful and eclectic 50-year career that included performances with
    the New York City Opera, Leonard Bernstein and the New York
    Philharmonic, big-band jazz concerts, major Broadway roles, and a
    successful recording career. Her repertoire included Armenian
    selections and she was a frequent guest performer at
    Armenian events in the United States.


    February 5-Avak luncheon, sponsored by St. Gregory Church, 158 Main
    Street, North Andover, Massachusetts. Speaker: Ruth Thomasian,
    executive director Project SAVE Archives, `Preserving Your Precious
    Photographs.' Guests may bring photos for discussion on persons,
    places, and

    February 5-`Code Name `Haiko': Discovering
    the Last Unknown Participant in Talaat Pasha's Liquidation,' a lecture
    by Dr. Vartan Matiossian, director of the Armenian National Education
    Committee, 7 pm in the Guild Hall of the Armenian Diocese, 630 Second
    Avenue, New York, sponsored by the Zohrab Information Center. For
    information: [email protected] or 212-686-0710.

    February 6-Hamazkayin of New York presents a Bilingual lecture by
    Khatchig Mouradian, `From Der Zor to Kobani (Arabpunar): Turkey,
    Kurds, and Armenians,' Armenian Center, 69-23 47th Avenue, Woodside,
    New York, at 8 pm. Donation: $10.

    February 7-Armenian Relief Society, NJ Shakeh Chapter presents
    =80=9CThe Sound of Music' (in Armenian), performed by the Bedros
    Atamian Theatrical Group of Hamazkayin Sanahin Chapter, Montreal,
    Canada. Director and playwright, Lena Khacherian, at Fort Lee High
    School, 3000 Lemoine Avenue, Fort Lee, New Jersey. Tickets: $50, $35,
    $25. Contact: Ani Keshishian 201-417-0204; Anik Kechichian
    201-394-4408; Lena Tarakjian 201-592-7991.

    February 15-Ladies Guild of St. Stephen's Church, 167 Tremont Street,
    New Britain, Connecticut, will celebrate Poon Parekentan at 12:30
    pm. `Junk Food Sunday': Bring your favorite junk food to
    share, perhaps something you plan on giving up for Lent. No
    explanations required! Admission is free. Tae Kwon Do and Karate
    exhibition and workshop by Rachel, Caitlin, Romi, and Ava
    Bagdasarian. For information: [email protected].

    February 19-`Remembering the Armenian Genocide: Memory Politics in
    Turkey Today,' a conversation between Osman Kavala, Chair of Anadolu
    Kultur (NGO), Istanbul and human rights advocate, and Dr. Mary
    Papazian, President of Southern Connecticut State University, 6:30 pm
    in Engleman Hall, Room A120, Southern Connecticut State University,
    New Haven, Connecticut.

    February 21-Eastern Prelacy's Annual New England Regional Conference,
    hosted by Holy Trinity Church, Worcester, Massachusetts. Conference is
    open to all clergy, board of trustee members, and delegates to the
    National Representative Assembly. Conference will begin at 9:30 am and
    conclude at 4:00 pm.

    February 21-94th commemoration of the February 18th Revolt, sponsored
    by the Lowell `Aharonian' Gomideh, 6 pm, ARS Community Center, 142
    Liberty Street, Lowell, Massachusetts. Dinner & program, =80=9CSeldom
    Visited Armenia,' a visual presentation by Joe Dagdigian. Admission
    $20 adults; $10 students.

    February 28-March 1-Armenian Relief Society Youth Connect Program,
    at New York University, `Looking Beyond the Centennial.' Featuring:
    Khatchig Mouradian, ARS Youth Connect Program Director; Speakers,
    Scout Tufankjian, Photojournalist and Eric Nazarian, Filmmaker. For
    Armenian college students, 18-25 years old. Deadline for registration
    (required) January 30. Space is limited. $25 registration fee includes
    meals and the evening dinner. Overnight accommodation available for
    out-of-town students. For more information: [email protected] or

    March 1-One Nation, One Culture: A Cultural Evening of Song & Dance
    dedicated to the Armenian Genocide 100th Anniversary, Felician
    College, 262 South Main Street, Lodi, New Jersey at 4 pm. Organized by
    the New Jersey
    chapter of Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society, with
    co-sponsorship of AGBU Ararat NY, Homenetmen Regional Executive,
    Armenian Relief Society of Eastern USA, and Tekeyan Cultural
    Association of Greater New York.

    March 5-Official opening of Exhibit on Armenian textiles, `Stitching
    to Survive: Handwork of Armenian Women,' 6-8 pm, at the United
    Nations, New York. Reception to follow. Organized by the Armenian
    Relief Society, Inc., and the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the UN.

    March 6-Conference, `Rebuilding a Nation: The Armenian Woman's Century
    of Resistance and Empowerment,' 10 am-4 pm, at
    Salvation Army Auditorium, 221 East 52nd Street, New York
    City. Organized by the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of the
    Armenian Relief Society, Inc.

    March 6-8-National Athletic Tournament, hosted by the North Andover
    (Massachusetts) `Sassoun' AYF Chapter; accommodations, Andover Wyndham
    Hotel, 978-975-3600, book under `AYF' for special rate ($109); March
    6, Characters Sports Club, 7 pm-midnight for those over 21; March 7,
    basketball & volleyball, Lawrence High School field house, 70-71 North
    Parish Road, Lawrence; 8 am-6 pm, mini-bus transportation
    available. Saturday night dance at hotel, 8:30 pm with Kevork Artinian
    & Friends. For tickets: Rich Minasian [email protected] or
    201-218-7126. Contact Mgo Kassabian for flight information,
    [email protected].

    March 7-Cultural program in commemoration of the 100th anniversary
    of the Armenian genocide, sponsored by the Armenian Relief Society of
    Eastern USA, under auspices of Archbishop Oshagan, Prelate. At 7 pm at
    Waterside Restaurant & Catering, 7800 River Road, North Bergen, New
    Jersey. Donation: $100. For information: Knar Kiledjian 201-233-1566;
    Lena Orangian 516-724-3005 or by email to [email protected].

    March 7-The 2015 Kyrkostas Concert, sponsored by the Anthropology
    Museum of the People of New York and the Armenian Museum at Queens
    College will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide by celebrating the accomplishments of the musicians, dancers,
    and artists of the survivors. At 7 pm at Kaloustian Hall, at the
    Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs, 209-15 Horace Harding Boulevard,
    Bayside, New York. Reception will follow the program. Donation $15 per
    person (2 for $25), children 12 and under $5. For information,
    directions and reservations: 718-428-5650.

    March 13-15-`Responsibility 2015,' International conference for
    Armenian Genocide's centennial at Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York,
    featuring prominent historians, policymakers, authors, and
    artists. Organized by the ARF Eastern US Centennial Committee, under
    the auspices of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of America,
    Eastern Region. for information.

    March 20-Musical Armenia, presented by Eastern Prelacy and Prelacy
    Ladies Guild, Weill Recital Hall, 8 pm, Carnegie Hall, New York
    City. Featured artists Patil Harboyan, piano and Heather Tuach, cello,
    will present a
    program dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
    that will include works of Armenian composers Atamian, Babajanian,
    Gomidas, Khatchaturian, Saradjian, Stepanian, and Talalyan. Tickets
    are $25 and will be on sale after December 20th at the box office and
    the Prelacy, 212-689-7810.

    March 13-15-International conference, `Responsibility 2015' marking
    the Armenian Genocide's centennial, at Marriott Marquis Hotel, New
    York City. Organized by the ARF Eastern United States Centennial
    Committee, under the auspices of the Armenian Genocide Centennial
    Committee of America, Eastern Region. For information visit the web
    site (

    April 23-Canonization of the Armenian Martyrs of 1915 in Holy
    Etchmiadzin, Armenia.

    April 25-Connecticut Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day at the
    Connecticut State Capitol. Keynote speaker: Noted author Chris

    April 26-Centennial commemoration of Genocide. Joint united Divine
    Liturgy in New York City (site to be announced), presided by
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian and Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan. To be
    followed by Times Square gathering `100 Years to Remember.'

    May 7, 8, 9-National Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemoration in
    Washington, DC, organized under the patronage of the Diocese and the
    Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Presided by His Holiness
    Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and His
    Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Holy See of the Great House of
    Cilicia. May 7, Ecumenical Service at the National Cathedral, 7 pm;
    May 8, A Journey Through Armenian Music at the Music Center at
    Strathmore, 7:30 pm; May 8 & 9, Exhibits, Films, and Events at various
    venues; May 9, Divine Liturgy at the Basilica of the National Shrine
    of the Immaculate Conception, 10 am; May 9, A Time to Give Thanks,
    banquet, 6 pm, Marriott Marquis.

    May 10 to June 4-Pontifical Visit of His Holiness Aram I to the
    Eastern Prelacy.

    June 3-6-National Representative Assembly hosted by St. Stephen's
    Church, Watertown, Massachusetts.

    July 18-Blessing of the Holy Muron (Oil) by His Holiness Aram I, at
    the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia in Antelias,
    Lebanon. For details click here.

    October 5-9-Clergy gathering of Eastern, Western, and Canadian

    November 15-90th Anniversary Banquet, St. Stephen's Church, 167
    Tremont Street, New Britain, Connecticut. Watch for details.

    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy's web

    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
    add [email protected] to your address book.

    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
    credit Crossroads as the source.

    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
    their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected].
