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Book: Paul Roy Malcolm Releases New Book, TRAJECTORY

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  • Book: Paul Roy Malcolm Releases New Book, TRAJECTORY


    Broadway World
    Feb 13 2015

    February 13
    9:14 2015

    BRISBANE, Australia, Feb. 13, 2015 /PRNewswire/ Author, Paul Roy
    Malcolm and BookPal Australia are pleased to announce the publication
    of the author's new book, "Trajectory" and subtitled, Bombay to
    Australia & the Rocket Range.

    Paul Roy Malcolm gives the reader detailed information about living
    in Bombay during its turbulent struggle for independence from the
    British Raj. Even as a young man, Paul recognises that the world
    he had known was changing. He joins the Merchant Navy to travel the
    world and becomes a marine engineer. In 1947, he finally settles in
    Australia, seeing it as a land of immense opportunity. By the 1960's
    he had worked all over Australia and become a fully qualified engineer.

    His vast engineering background led him into the exciting world of
    rockets for science and he became a member of a group of scientists,
    engineers and technicians drawn from around the world who would
    conduct the Skylark rocket trials from Woomera. These trials made
    very important contributions to the scientific exploration of the
    upper atmosphere and beyond. With this experience under his belt,
    he was the obvious choice when the Department of Defence needed an
    experienced engineer to plan and run sea trials for a secret submarine
    detection system. These trials eventually led to the Barra Sonobuoy
    System, which is currently used by the Royal Australian Air Force.

    The author comments, "Now at 90 years of age, the trajectory of
    my life continues with an active lifestyle that includes staying
    abreast of scientific developments in today's world. I hope my book
    will provide inspiration for others to go out and make their own way
    in this new digital age."

    About the Author Paul Roy Malcolm grew up in India with Armenian
    parents and an English education. He first visited Australia in
    1944 as a Merchant Navy seaman, and settled in Fremantle in 1947. He
    joined the Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) in Salisbury, South
    Australia and spent many years on a British scientific project, firing
    Skylark rockets from Woomera to explore the upper atmosphere. He is a
    widower with two adult children and enjoys walking, dancing, Tai Chi,
    and lawn bowls.

    Media Contact: Maria Linsley [email protected] Tel: +61-7-3107 1608
    BookPal Tel: 1300 769 998

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress