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Uproar Over Hepatitis Outbreak In Armenia

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  • Uproar Over Hepatitis Outbreak In Armenia


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #767
    Feb 20 2015

    Government blamed after patients contracted the disease while
    undergoing routine operations.

    By Gayane Lazarian

    Medical experts in Armenia have criticised the authorities for their
    handling of an outbreak of hepatitis C at a health centre in the city
    of Kajaran which has seen 15 people contract the virus.

    Hepatitis C is commonly transmitted by blood transfusions or by unsafe
    medical procedures, particularly the use of unsterilised instruments.

    Early signs suggest that all 15 patients contracted the virus from
    contaminated instruments.

    A total of 191 people underwent operations at the Kajaran health
    centre in 2014, so 15 infections represents nearly eight per cent. Dr
    Ara Asoyan, Armenia's chief epidemiologist, told IWPR that it was
    possible more people had contracted the virus.

    "We are carrying out blood tests to find out who has been infected,"
    he said.

    One of those infected is Kajaran resident Marine Lazarian, who had
    an appendectomy late last year.

    "About 40 days after the operation, I became nauseous and started
    vomiting," she said. "I sought medical advice. At the Yerevan
    infectious diseases hospital I found out that I was infected."

    In December, specialists at the National Centre for Disease Control and
    Prevention discovered that staff at the Kajaran hospital were using
    unsterilised surgical instruments, and found traces of the virus on
    some of them. They identified shortcomings in the sterilisation and
    disinfection of instruments right across the centre's departments,
    including the surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology.

    The authorities in the Syunik region have launched a criminal
    investigation for breaches of health rules and safety standards. The
    medical centre is currently closed while the investigation is carried
    out. It will then be up to the Armenia's courts whether to revoke
    the centre's licence.

    This is not the first time this has happened at the Kajaran health
    centre. Two years ago, major hygiene problems were reported at the
    centre when it opened a new wing. Things have not improved since then.

    On January 22, Health Minister Armen Muradyan told journalists that
    the government would meet the costs of treating anyone infected with
    hepatitis C at the hospital.

    "With modern medicine, hepatitis C is curable," he said. "This disease
    can be life-threatening only if it is diagnosed late or if it isn't
    treated properly. However, all doctors must be held accountable for
    mistakes and shortcomings, as any kind of infection can be fatal."

    The 15 people with hepatitis C are now receiving treatment in hospitals
    in Kajaran, Kapan and Yerevan. Nine are being kept in and the rest
    are outpatients.

    The drugs used to treat hepatitis C - Ribavirin and Pegylated
    Interferon - cost between 5,000 and 20,000 US dollars for the course
    that is required.

    Despite the government's reassurances, those who have contracted the
    virus remain worried about meeting the costs of treatment.

    Vahan Petrosyan contracted the disease after treatment for varicose
    veins. After hearing of other cases in the town, he went for a test
    and found out he had hepatitis C.

    "I've already spent 300,000 drams [more than 600 dollars] on treatment
    of a disease I contracted through no fault of my own," he said. "I've
    paid for tests, medication, transportation costs to Yerevan, and I
    don't know who's going to compensate me for that."

    In addition to free treatment, the authorities have promised to
    consider paying compensation. However, Deputy Health Minister Vahan
    Poghosyan told IWPR that the exact amount on offer would not be
    decided until after the authorities had completed their investigation.

    Anahit Harutyunyan, who heads Positive People Armenian Network, an
    NGO that works on infectious diseases, said there was no national
    programme for dealing with hepatitis C. Her organisation has written
    to the health ministry with a proposal to develop a programme modelled
    on existing national systems for combating tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.

    Deputy Health Minister Poghosyan says health officials are drafting
    new procedural policies that will be soon be implemented on the ground.

    Gayane Lazarian is a correspondent for the ArmeniaNow online news

    From: A. Papazian