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Charlie Hebdo -- Paul Craig Roberts

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  • Charlie Hebdo -- Paul Craig Roberts


    January 13, 2015 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article

    Charlie Hebdo

    Paul Craig Roberts

    The Charlie Hebdo affair has many of the characteristics of a false
    flag operation. The attack on the cartoonists' office was a disciplined
    professional attack of the kind associated with highly trained special
    forces; yet the suspects who were later corralled and killed seemed
    bumbling and unprofessional. It is like two different sets of people.

    Usually Muslim terrorists are prepared to die in the attack; yet the
    two professionals who hit Charlie Hebdo were determined to escape and
    succeeded, an amazing feat. Their identity was allegedly established
    by the claim that they conveniently left for the authorities their
    ID in the getaway car. Such a mistake is inconsistent with the
    professionalism of the attack and reminds me of the undamaged passport
    found miraculously among the ruins of the two WTC towers that served
    to establish the identity of the alleged 9/11 hijackers.

    It is a plausible inference that the ID left behind in the getaway
    car was the ID of the two Kouachi brothers, convenient patsies, later
    killed by police, and from whom we will never hear anything, and not
    the ID of the professionals who attacked Charlie Hebdo. An important
    fact that supports this inference is the report that the third suspect
    in the attack, Hamyd Mourad, the alleged driver of the getaway car,
    when seeing his name circulating on social media as a suspect realized
    the danger he was in and quickly turned himself into the police for
    protection against being murdered by security forces as a terrorist.

    Hamyd Mourad says he has an iron-clad alibi. If so, this makes him the
    despoiler of a false flag attack. Authorities will have to say that
    despite being wrong about Mourad, they were right about the Kouachi
    brothers. Alternatively, Mourad could be coerced or tortured into
    some sort of confession that supports the official story.

    The American and European media have ignored the fact that Mourad
    turned himself in for protection from being killed as a terrorist as
    he has an alibi. I googled Hamid Mourad and all I found (January 12)
    was the main US and European media reporting that the third suspect
    had turned himself in. The reason for his surrender was left out of
    the reports. The news was reported in a way that gave credence to
    the accusation that the suspect who turned himself in was part of
    the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Not a single US mainstream media source
    reported that the alleged suspect turned himself in because he has
    an ironclad alibi.

    Some media merely reported Mourad's surrender in a headline with
    no coverage in the report. The list that I googled includes the
    Washington Post (January 7 by Griff Witte and Anthony Faiola);
    Die Welt (Germany) "One suspect has turned himself in to police
    in connection with Wednesday's massacre at the offices of Parisian
    satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo;" ABC News (January 7) "Youngest
    suspect in Charlie Hebdo Attack turns himself in;" CNN (January 8)
    "Citing sources, the Agence France Presse news agency reported that
    an 18-year-old suspect in the attack had surrendered to police."

    Another puzzle in the official story that remains unreported by the
    presstitute media is the alleged suicide of a high ranking member of
    the French Judicial Police who had an important role in the Charlie
    Hebdo investigation. For unknown reasons, Helric Fredou, a police
    official involved in the most important investigation of a lifetime,
    decided to kill himself in his police office on January 7 or January
    8 (both dates are reported in the foreign media) in the middle of
    the night while writing his report on his investigation. A google
    search as of 6pm EST January 13 turns up no mainstream US media
    report of this event. The alternative media reports it, as do some
    UK newspapers, but without suspicion or mention whether his report
    has disappeared. The official story is that Fredou was suffering from
    "depression" and "burnout," but no evidence is provided. Depression
    and burnout are the standard explanations of mysterious deaths that
    have unsettling implications.

    Once again we see the US print and TV media serving as a ministry
    of propaganda for Washington. In place of investigation, the media
    repeats the government's implausible story.

    It behoves us all to think. Why would Muslims be more outraged by
    cartoons in a Paris magazine than by hundreds of thousands of Muslims
    killed by Washington and its French and NATO vassals in seven countries
    during the past 14 years?

    If Muslims wanted to make a point of the cartoons, why not bring a
    hate crime charge or lawsuit? Imagine what would happen to a European
    magazine that dared to satirize Jews in the way Charlie Hebdo satirized
    Muslims. Indeed, in Europe people are imprisoned for investigating
    the holocaust without entirely confirming every aspect of it.

    If a Muslim lawsuit was deep-sixed by French authorities, the Muslims
    would have made their point. Killing people merely contributes to the
    demonization of Muslims, a result that only serves Washington's wars
    against Muslim countries.

    If Muslims are responsible for the attack on Charlie Hebdo, what
    Muslim goal did they achieve? None whatsoever. Indeed, the attack
    attributed to Muslims has ended French and European sympathy and
    support for Palestine and European opposition to more US wars against
    Muslims. Just recently France had voted in the UN with Palestine
    against the US-Israeli position. This assertion of an independent
    French foreign policy was reinforced by the recent statement by the
    President of France that the economic sanctions against Russia should
    be terminated.

    Clearly, France was showing too much foreign policy independence. The
    attack on Charlie Hebdo serves to cow France and place France back
    under Washington's thumb.

    Some will contend that Muslims are sufficiently stupid to shoot
    themselves in the head in this way. But how do we reconcile such
    alleged stupidity with the alleged Muslim 9/11 and Charlie Hebdo
    professional attacks?

    If we believe the official story, the 9/11 attack on the US shows that
    19 Muslims, largely Saudis, without any government or intelligence
    service support, outwitted not only all 16 US intelligence agencies,
    the National Security Council, Dick Cheney and all the neoconservatives
    in high positions throughout the US government, and airport security,
    but also the intelligence services of NATO and Israel's Mossad. How
    can such intelligent and capable people, who delivered the most
    humiliating blow in world history to an alleged Superpower with
    no difficulty whatsoever despite giving every indication of their
    intentions, possibly be so stupid as to shoot themselves in the head
    when they could have thrown France into turmoil with a mere lawsuit?

    The Charlie Hebdo story simply doesn't wash. If you believe it,
    you are no match for a Muslim.

    Some who think that they are experts will say that a false flag
    attack in France would be impossible without the cooperation of French
    intelligence. To this I say that it is practically a certainty that the
    CIA has more control over French intelligence than does the President
    of France. Operation Gladio proves this. The largest part of the
    government of Italy was ignorant of the bombings conducted by the CIA
    and Italian Intelligence against European women and children and blamed
    on communists in order to diminish the communist vote in elections.

    Americans are a pitifully misinformed people. All of history is a
    history of false flag operations. Yet Americans dismiss such proven
    operations as "conspiracy theories," which merely proves that
    government has successfully brainwashed insouciant Americans and
    deprived them of the ability to recognize the truth.

    Americans are the foremost among the captive nations.

    Who will liberate them?

    Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for
    Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He
    was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and
    Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His
    internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts'
    latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic
    Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.
