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''Islamic State'' warriors execute Azerbaijani commander accused of

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  • ''Islamic State'' warriors execute Azerbaijani commander accused of

    ''Islamic State'' warriors execute Azerbaijani commander accused of treason

    15:00 19/01/2015 >> SOCIETY

    The warriors of the terroristic organisation ISIS ("Islamic State")
    executed the Azerbaijani commander, Siraj, accusing him of treason,
    Azerbaijani information portal "" reads, with a reference on

    As noted in the article, Siraj, who lived in the Azerbaijani city of
    Sumgait, previously fought in Afghanistan, and then joined the IS.
    Note that on January 7, it became known that the IS militants declared
    about punishment of 4 Azerbaijanis who have been captured in the
    Syrian province of Raqqa, accusing them of desertion and treason.

    Note that Azerbaijani Salafis or Wahhabis are fighting in the ranks of
    various terrorist groupings that operate in Syria, Afghanistan and
    Pakistan. According to the Azerbaijani news agency the total
    number of Azerbaijani terrorists in these countries equals to 300.
    Whereas according to FaktHeber Azerbaijani portal over the past three
    years only in Syria almost 200 Azerbaijani terrorists were killed.

    The relationship between international terrorist groups and Azerbaijan
    originated in the early 1990s. That time, the Azerbaijani army, having
    failed in the aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR),
    retreated with losses. Trying to save the situation, the Azerbaijani
    leadership, headed by Heydar Aliyev attracted to the war against the
    Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh international terrorists and members of
    radical groups from Afghanistan (groupings of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar),
    Turkey ("Grey Wolves", etc.), Chechnya (groupings Basayev and Raduyev
    etc.) and some other regions.

    Despite the involvement in of thousands of foreign mercenaries and
    terrorists in the Azerbaijani army during the war, the Azerbaijani
    aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh Republic failed, and the Baku
    authorities were forced to sign an armistice with the NKR and Armenia.
    However, international terrorists found ties in Azerbaijan, and used
    them in the future. Recruitment was conducted among Azerbaijanis, who
    then were sent to Afghanistan and the North Caucasus, where
    participated in the battles against the forces of the international
    coalition and Russian organizations. In recent years, the citizens of
    Azerbaijan are actively involved in terrorist and extremist activities
    in Russia, Afghanistan and Syria.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress