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ANCA Helps Launch Save Darfur's Million Postcard Campaign

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  • ANCA Helps Launch Save Darfur's Million Postcard Campaign

    1711 N Street NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Fax: (202) 775-5648
    Email: [email protected]

    September 11, 2008
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Email: [email protected]


    "We're working to bring U.S. policies in line
    with American principles, because a Darfur policy
    that reflects the enduring values of the American
    people - not short-term, narrow interests in
    Washington - will be a policy that truly protects
    civilians, works for a sustainable peace, and
    demands true justice & accountability."
    -- ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian

    Watch ANCA Exec. Dir. Aram Hamparian's Remarks: releases.php?prid=1583

    WASHINGTON, DC - The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
    played its part this week in the successful start to the Save
    Darfur Coalitions Million Postcard campaign with remarks by
    Executive Director Aram Hamparian at the campaign's national

    The aim of the campaign, supported by a broad range of human
    rights, ethnic, advocacy, and faith-based partners, is to ensure
    that the two Presidential candidates, John McCain (R) and Barack
    Obama (D), honor their joint pledge to demonstrate "unstinting
    resolve," once in office, to end the genocide taking place in the
    Darfur region of Sudan.

    The Washington, DC program opened with a prayer by noted Reverend
    Kim Barnes, and featured welcoming remarks by Save Darfur President
    Jerry Fowler, and moving speeches by Save Darfur Chairwoman Rev.
    Gloria White Hammond, and prominent radio and television
    personality Joe Madison. Hamparian closed the event with remarks
    about the moral imperative of ensuring U.S. leadership in ending
    the cycle of genocide (full text is provided below). Also in
    attendance were key coalition partners, including the Religious
    Action Center of Reform Judaism, Investors Against Genocide,
    Genocide Intervention Network, Africa Action, Armenian Assembly,
    and B'nai B'rith International.

    To learn more about the Million Postcard campaign, visit:

    To request postcards, write to:
    [email protected]

    Save Darfur is an alliance of over 180 faith-based, advocacy and
    humanitarian organizations. The Coalition's member organizations
    represent 130 million people of all ages, races, religions and
    political affiliations united together to help the people of


    ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian's remarks
    Save Darfur Coalition - Million Postcard Launch
    Washington, DC

    September 9, 2008

    Pride, Sadness, and Hope.

    I'm proud today that Armenians, as descendents of genocide
    survivors, can give back in this small way - helping to ensure that
    the terrible lessons of our experience can in some way ensure that
    such horrors are not again visited upon others.

    Saddened that - with such broad-based efforts, with such tremendous
    public awareness - we are still witnessing ongoing slaughter in
    Sudan - without, as has been the case for more than a century - any
    meaningful intervention by the United States or the international

    Hopeful because this campaign - at this vital moment on the eve of
    the presidential elections - leverages Save Darfur's tremendous
    work to get the noble cause of ending this genocide high on the
    agenda of the next President from day one.

    Hopeful that we can help reshape how American foreign policy views
    genocide and - more broadly - our sacred role and our moral
    responsibility as our brother's keeper.

    Hopeful that we will, as a nation, begin to measures our strength
    not just in bullets, or barrels of oils, or bases, but in lives
    saved and suffering alleviated.

    Hopeful that we bring our policies in line with our principles.

    Because a Darfur policy that reflects the enduring values of the
    American people - not short-term, narrow interests in Washington -
    will be a policy that truly:

    -- Protects civilians

    -- Works for a sustainable peace

    -- and demands true justice & accountability

    This is our chance. Now is our moment.

    To show that ending genocide is not simply a moral issue or even
    simply a foreign policy issue - but an electoral issue.

    -- An issue with a constituency,

    -- A cause with a base,

    -- A policy that matters to voters and that will impact outcomes
    on November 4th.

    Thank you.