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Armen's superb rant

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  • Armen's superb rant

    Inca Kola News
    Dec 5 2009

    Armen's superb rant

    By Otto Rock

    Dec. 5, 2009 (Inca Kola News delivered by Newstex) --

    The Kouyoumdjian Weekly hit my mailbox this morning, and even by his
    high standards he knocked one out of the ballpark today with the rant.
    I've been given permission to reproduce here, so with no further ado
    here's the script. Excellent stuff.


    And Tie Up Your Own Sharval!

    By Armen Kouyoumdjian
    kouyvina (AT)

    December 5, 2009

    If you are disappointed that this is not a report about the first
    round of the elections in 8 days time, just be patient. The next one
    will treat the subject a couple of days before the polls, but I have
    to warn you that it will be mainly structural rather than topical. The
    only valid electoral analysis will be the one written after the
    January second round, when we know for sure who the winner is and what
    sort of congress he has to work with.

    This week therefore, I am referring to a subject that has increasingly
    bothered me over a long period, and which is now getting out of hand.
    This is the propensity not only to criticize the way other countries
    are run, which anyone has the right to do (as long as they get their
    facts right), but without being a citizen of such places, actively
    working for the said government to be overthrown, if necessary by
    violent means. This ranges from virulent media campaigns to sneaky
    subversion and if all else fails, unashamed military action.

    I know in advance that many people will disagree, accuse me of all
    sorts of hidden allegiances and agendas, and God knows what else. The
    only allegiances I have is to Truth, Justice and the Armenian cause.
    To those who disagree I say, please visit a Mexican village called La
    Chingada, which is in a region called La Punta del Cerro, and book a
    room for a long stay in a hostelry called La Chucha.

    The Å`Sharval I am referring-to in my subtitle is a type of light
    trouser worn by both sexes in many parts of the Middle East and the
    Indian subcontinent. Its characteristic is that it is held in place
    not by an elastic band or a belt, but by a tie-up lace. In Turkey at
    least, when someone speaks out of order, it is customary to tell them
    to Å`tie up your own sharval, meaning that make sure you are behaving
    correctly before criticizing others.

    WHAT RIGHT TO INTERVENE? Interestingly, the subject of criticism
    coming from the man or woman in the street, the media, politicians and
    business leaders always tends to be Å`Leftist or Å`Radical regimes.
    These same people sitting in judgment obviously had no such qualms
    when unappetizing dictatorships were in power, committing the worst
    atrocities. A common butt of such criticism is Å`Islamic regimes,
    though the problem goes much beyond that.

    I was at a national celebratory dinner at an elegant Viña hotel, more
    out of obligation than enthusiasm. It was by no means cheap, and
    though we were in the same room eating the same food as the other
    guests, our party was given miniscule paper napkins, whereas other
    guests had proper ones, and they initially insisting on serving only
    Pisco Sour (to a group including many Moslems) as aperitifs.

    However, it is not yet another expensively disappointing dining
    experience in Chile I want to talk about (I have touched upon the
    problem several times in the past, and concluded that it had no
    solution). One of the fellow guests asked me what party was in power
    in Armenia. Unflinchingly, I answered Å`the Corruption Party. For her,
    that was irrelevant. Å`Are they Right or Left? she insisted (a silly
    question to ask about a former Soviet Republic, but the lady, despite
    being wealthy, had no culture- Nie Kulturny- as the Russians say. Not
    only she did not find anything wrong with the fact that we were
    treated like second class citizens by the hotel, but she had never
    heard of Pol Pot, or the Peter Principle).

    Å`What do you think of Chávez?, was her next question. I knew it was a
    trap, but could not care less. Å`I am fed up of people always
    criticizing him without knowing anything about the country, his
    predecessors, and the present reality, I answered. Å`I do not like him,
    she said, Å`he is a threat. Å`In what way do you personally feel
    threatened by Chavez?, I asked. Å`Not me personally, but others are,
    was her feeble explanation.

    We shall talk more about Chávez later, but in a general fashion, who
    has the right to decide which person or party another countrys
    citizens elect or support, particularly in democratic elections?
    Coming from people who have never even visited that country, looked at
    a single newspaper published there, do some background research,
    etc..They take their view first and foremost from their own
    prejudices, and lean on that countrys voluble opposition who get a
    more sympathetic ear at home than abroad. How did you conclude that
    Iranian or Saudi women are in a majority unhappy wearing the veil or
    the Burka? From reading Persepolis by that promiscuous drug addict
    author Marjane Satrapi? How would you like it if the Iranian air force
    or the Taliban bombarded your wedding party, because they do not like
    the tangas worn by your promiscuous daughters (who in Chile, according
    to a study financed by the French embassy, are all penetrated by the
    average age of 14 years and 2 months), the ugly sight of their
    brassiere straps, their disgusting piercings and tattoos, not to
    mention their big bumsand ugly bare midriffs? Who are you to decide
    how they are going to run their lives in the Middle East, or in
    Caracas, Santa Cruz or Guayaquil? Have you talked to foreign Western
    women accompanying their husbands on postings to the Gulf, saying they
    never felt as cared and respected as women in their lives as during
    the time they spent there?

    Despite all its failings which are soon bringing it to the level of a
    mediocre Third World country, at least there is some decency left in
    Britain. The current Chilcot enquiry is leaving no stone unturned in
    revealing how the Blair administration, lied, cajoled, threatened and
    even drove officials to suicide in order to join the US attack on

    Though I myself have only been there twice (when I was 7 months old
    the first time, and 5 years the second time), two branches of my
    family lived there for some 350 years, as businessmen, company
    executives, landowners and senior civil servants (my fathers eldest
    brother was Chief Executive of the Baghdad Electricity Company, and
    one of his cousins the Director of Exports at the Oil Ministry). None
    are left there now, but we have enough collective experience of the
    place to know when it was well run and when it was not. At least when
    I write about something, I know what I am talking about, and I do not
    get my sources from Rupert Murdochs publications or the Israeli
    embassy cheque books.

    Let us now look at two specific cases of demonisation at two opposite
    extremes of the world: Iran and Venezuela.

    IRAN Since the creation of the Islamic Republic of Iran thirty years
    ago, that country has been among the favourite whipping boys of the
    West. Å`Ayatollahs in the backyard, as The Economist headlined just
    before the president of Iran visited Latin America, as if only
    American navy vessels and Hillary Clinton were permitted to come to
    the area. Things in that direction reached their paroxysm with the
    coming to power of president Ahmadinejad, who was recently re-elected
    after an election deemed controversial. If anyone bothered to follow
    closely the last few elections in Iran, they would have noticed a
    diversity of policies and options on offers among the candidates which
    the more-of-the-same Chilean (and other) electorate would love to
    have. Those Å`oppressed women are much more present at top jobs, both
    in public and private life ( a former World Bank executive told me how
    the chief lawyer on the Iranian side, in a loan negotiation he
    undertook many years ago, was not only a woman, but also Armenian,
    which goes to prove that minorities even Christian ones, are not

    Ahmadinejad may indeed sometimes be a loose cannon in terms of what he
    says and does, but this is no reason to lie about him. The attacks on
    the president and his country became more virulent after accusations
    that he denied the Jewish Holocaust. In fact, if you read his exact
    words, he did no such thing, but just to please the ignorant masses,
    let us assume that he did. We Armenians find that accusation fantastic
    in its partiality. What about all the countries (the USA, Britain,
    etc..) who join Turkey, itself shamefully supported by no less than
    Israel, and the Anglo-Saxon Zionist gutter press (such as The
    Economist and the BBC to name but two). Why isnt world public opinion
    being Å`outraged at the killing of over half our race 95 years ago, and
    instead suggesting (like the Swiss) to name a Å`commission to look at
    the facts ? Where are the demonstrations by the Yiddische restaurant
    owners in Copacabana against the Turkish consulate, or do they only go
    out against Ahmadinejad?

    Now to the second accusation against Iran, that of attempting to build
    a nuclear arsenal. Last year, at a talk he gave in Flacso, I gently
    cornered Mr El-Baradei on the matter of proof. He had to admit that he
    had been asked by others to find it, so far with nothing concrete.
    This does not stop others to continue lying. Some weeks ago, the dean
    of an obscure German university, who is also a political scientist,
    gave a talk at a Viña university. He described both Chávez and Iran as
    threats, insisting on the latter that the IAEA had discovered Å`proof
    (it has done nothing of the kind). One wishes that when Israel
    illegally started building up a nuclear arsenal now amounting to
    several dozen warheads, the world had been so keen to stop them (and
    there, contrary to Iran, we HAVE proof).

    Oh yes, the parallel accusation that Iran Å`threatened Israel. Wow,
    what a sin. It does not matter that Israel not only threatened but
    destroyed both the economy and social fabric of Lebanon, starves the
    Palestinians, threatens Iran itself, but nobody says anything, even
    when they elect war criminals as leaders.

    HUGO CHAVEZ In February 1989, a few weeks into his second presidency,
    the then head of the Venezuelan state Carlos Andrés Pérez (C.A.P.) had
    to face massive protests from the urban shanty town dwellers against
    high inflation and low salaries. He sent the troops against them and
    even the official admission is 276 dead (though to this day there are
    2,000 disappeared from whom nothing more was heard again, a figure
    marginally lower than in the 17 years of the Pinochet regime).

    During his first mandate, C.A.P. had managed to rob half the countrys
    wealth and he was now going for the second half, in the most corrupt
    regime the country had ever seen. Nobody mentions that when
    criticizing Chávez, who has democratically won all but one poll he has
    faced. Maybe because he cared for the less favoured among the
    population, always a sin among the local elites (viz. Arbenz, Allende,
    etc..) ? As a country risk analyst, I would be the first to admit that
    he has made many errors on the economic side. Too many hopes on the
    price of oil remaining high, and an over-extended fiscal commitment,
    with heavy reliance on debt whilst lending to others. A public
    services infrastructure falling apart, and a currency policy which has
    miraculously survived longer than logic would expect (though no
    Chilean is in a position to criticize another countrys handling of the
    exchange rate, when its own currency is subject to the vagaries of a
    team of manic-depressives).

    All the above be as it may, the Venezuelans have elected Chavez, and
    will unelect him when they feel like it. It is not a job for the USA,
    the SOFOFA, El Mercurio or The Economist. A recent reportage by
    Chilean writer Rafael Gumucio, supported by my own findings on reading
    an opposition Venezuelan paper every day, reflect a free press and
    debate which Chileans have not seen in nearly 40 years in their own
    country. Public talk about politics is the national hobby, and on
    every week-end and holiday, roads and travel agencies are clogged with
    travelers going to resorts at home and abroad. The real threat to
    stability in the region is not Chávez but Colombias Uribe, with the
    millions of Colombian refugees of whom some 400,000 have escaped to
    Ecuador and Venezuela. As Gumucio writes, this is neither a Socialist
    country nor a bloody dictatorship. But nobody wants to know what it
    is. So, let the well-run Latin American countries tie up their own
    sharvals and let Chavez swim or sink on his own, but you have no
    moral, ethical or legal right to actively undermine his regime from

    OTHER LEADERS Of course. Chávez is not alone as a regional whipping
    boy. Every time a country elects or reelects a popular leader who
    wants to change things, the missiles start flying. Bolivias Evo
    Morales, who is a shoo-in for imminent re-election, is just finishing
    a first term during which his country had the highest growth in 30
    years, and government revenue as a percentage of GDP has risen by 20
    percentage points (over double the US figure).

    Ecuadors Rafael Correa may not be everyones cup of tea, but I was
    quite impressed at a recent presentation their investment office gave
    in Santiago (less impressed by the Chilean businessman whose only
    worry as expressed during question time was the power of unions). His
    42 % popularity is higher than Gordon Browns government. Paraguay is
    admittedly a mess, but then it has always been so. Uruguays second
    Frente Amplio government takes over a country which has managed even
    in 2009 to have positive growth and lower unemployment. Tie up your
    own sharvals.