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Australian MP Raises Karabakh Issue In Parliament

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  • Australian MP Raises Karabakh Issue In Parliament


    May 18, 2010 - 11:56 AMT 06:56 GMT

    The Member for Davidson, Jonathan O'Dea has spoken in the parliament of
    New South Wales State, Australia, about the right to self-determination
    of the people of Nagorno Karabakh, ANC Australia reported.

    His address followed the Armenian National Committee of Australia's
    poster exhibition in Parliament House last week, which was held days
    after the 18th anniversary of the Liberation of Shoushi, a victory
    which led Nagorno Karabakh on a path to freedom from a long-oppressive

    O'Dea told the Legislative Assembly: "I attended an excellent
    exhibition in the Jubilee Room of the New South Wales Parliament on
    various aspects of Armenian life, culture and history. There I was
    introduced to the long and epic story of Nagorno Karabakh.

    "The exhibition coincided with the eighteenth anniversary commemoration
    of what is known as the liberation of Shoushi, which came at the end
    of a battle that means much to the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh and
    around the world, just as Gallipoli does to Australians."

    O'Dea added: "Today, mindful of the principles outlined by Woodrow
    Wilson, I note my support for self-determination of all peoples,
    including Armenians.

    "I honor those Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh and others around the
    world who, in spite of continued threats and a commitment to fight
    for self-determination, ultimately seek peace."

    ANC Australia Executive Director Varant Meguerditchian thanked O'Dea
    for bringing light to such an important chapter in Armenia's history.

    "It is our responsibility to inform our legislators on what is
    important to Armenian-Australians, and Nagorno Karabakh is very
    important to Armenians the world over," Meguerditchian said.

    "We thank Mr. O'Dea for his address in Parliament and we expect this
    will go some way toward achieving formal universal recognition of
    the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh."