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Turkey Will Again Smash Russia's Face Against The Ground

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  • Turkey Will Again Smash Russia's Face Against The Ground

    James Hakobyan

    13:00 05/12/2012
    Story from News:

    In the meantime the world was focused on Putin's photo at the meeting
    with Erdogan showing his difficulty to sit due to severe back pain,
    when the photo of Putin's foreign minister Segrey Lavrov appeared with
    some injuries on his face caused during his visit to Turkey. Lavrov
    is reported to have fallen in the hotel, broken his arm and harmed
    his nose and mouth, as it can be seen in the picture.

    It seems that the Russian foreign minister fell very badly because
    when U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton slipped on the airplane
    steps, the video travelled the whole world but Clinton's face remained
    unhurt. Lavrov fell facedown in Turkey, and this is very symbolic.

    Russians have always boosted the Turkish interests on account of their
    face, as a rule, on account of Armenians. This does not mean that
    the poor Armenians have always suffered from Turkey only because of
    Russians. Armenians suffered because of their mistakes and omissions.

    But this truth does not diminish the responsibility of Russia for its
    actions contradicting the Armenian interest and serving the Turkish
    interest. At the end, they always harmed Russia's face.

    The Imperial Russia, the Bolshevik and Soviet Russia have always
    entered deals with Turkey, in all cases Russia remained with empty
    hands, and Turkey became an essential regional player, with which
    today's soviet-imperial Russia is trying to enter a deal.

    The providence is trying to hint through Lavrov's "face" that it is
    necessary to think before entering a regular deal because the effect
    for Russia will be short-term, while in strategic terms, Russia will
    just hit its "face" against the ground again.

    Perhaps, if any of the officials of the Imperial or Bolshevik Russia
    fell facedown in Turkey, the outrageous Russian-Turkish processes
    would never happen, for which Armenia paid much. No doubt, Moscow
    will force Armenia to pay for any other new deal. Turkey won't mind if
    Armenia pays. There is already information that Turkey would consider
    joining the Customs' Union, the Eurasian Union. Russia will try to
    use this information as a means of pressure against Armenia to get
    a short-term effect and doing a long-term favor to Turkey increasing
    its role and significance in the world.

    The point is that when Russia establishes or self-establishes in
    the region, he usually does it on account of the Armenian factor,
    on Armenia's sovereignty and security; for the West Turkey becomes
    an essential factor since it becomes an anti-Russian platform.

    Turkey, during the history, has always played on this factor with
    the West and moved forward through permanent flirting with Russia.

    Currently, Ankara, which has strategic issues with the West, is trying
    to play on the Russian factor to increase its price for the West.

    Here, Armenia's price increases automatically which explains the
    West's unprecedented interest in Armenia. Armenia could free the West
    from the necessity to make tactical concessions to Turkey, but only
    in case, Armenia does not have to pay its increasing price instead
    of Russia in a regular Russian-Turkish deal.
