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Levon Zurabyan's hypothesis. `Serzh Sargsyan has sent a message to h

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  • Levon Zurabyan's hypothesis. `Serzh Sargsyan has sent a message to h

    Levon Zurabyan's hypothesis. `Serzh Sargsyan has sent a message to his
    team that he is not a completed figure.'

    September 7 2013

    Serzh Sargsyan signed a decree on create of a special commission on
    the constitutional reforms. It is mainly interpreted as following that
    Serzh Sargsyan at the end of his office does not want to give up the
    post of the prime minister. In this regard, in the interview with, the ANC fraction leader Levon Zurabyan said that he has a
    different version. `Serzh Sargsyan has appeared to be in the same
    syndrome, which in the United States is known as `a lame-duck
    syndrome.' In other words, the President, who is in the second term,
    since he is not going to govern any more, very few are listening to
    him. His reputation to realize something is weakening. In America's
    democratic system of government, its effect is not so strong, but in
    Armenia, as long as there is no institutional management system and
    everything is pretty much on the personalities, the `lame-duck
    syndrome' has a much greater impact. ' According to Levon Zurabyan,
    everyone around Serzh Sargsyan realizes that this is his last term,
    and each and all thinks of himself for the next president. `Each of
    them has begun to create its own political support. Each of them gets
    into the game. Serzh Sargsyan is already a transitory figure for them.
    Serzh Sargsyan clearly realizes the danger, he realizes that it will
    be getting deeper day-by-day. As it approaches the end of his term, so
    the pressure will be getting stronger, and gradually he will appear in
    more out of control situation, right in his team. Everyone will be
    thinking who the next president will be. In this situation he thought
    of this trick, which is a sort of message to more of his team that it
    is possible to shift to the parliamentary system of governance. And
    this means that Serzh Sargsyan can keep his power as a prime minister.
    If Constitutional amendments are not made, Serzh Sargsyan is a
    completed figure for everyone, otherwise, chances are maintained. This
    is more focused on his team to sober them and to suppress their
    aspirations. At this point, it is something like a lifebuoy support
    for Serzh Sargsyan, which should create illusion to many people that
    he is going to maintain his power even 5 years later.' To our question
    whether the Congress will be included in the Constitutional Reform
    Committee, if the authorities are willing to include also other
    parliamentary and extra-parliamentary powers, Levon Zurabyan replied,-
    `Have you ever seen the Congress to participate in any game of the
    authorities? When did something like that happen? We can only
    participate in such contacts with the government, which are focused on
    the transition to democracy, but we do not see such a thing here.
    Like, for example, we did during the dialogue, we were negotiating
    about organizing special elections. This is normal, but regarding the
    Constitutional amendments? What Constitution? Do they understand
    anything from the Constitution? Do they respect the Constitution?
    Mostly these people have violated the Constitution, and now the same
    people want to amend the Constitution? And we have to go and help
    them?' Hripsime JEBEJYAN

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