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Dashnaks Ready For Concessions

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  • Dashnaks Ready For Concessions

    A1 Plus | 16:10:49 | 06-04-2004 | Politics |


    Dashnaktsutyun party issued Monday a statement with package of proposals to
    the opposition in it.

    Dashnaks offer opposition representatives membership in the
    president-affiliated Security Commettee headed by Defence Ministry Serge
    Sargssyan as one of the ways out of political turmoil in Armenia.

    Dashnaktsutyun party board member Armen Rustamyan and Dashnaktsutyun
    parliamentary fraction member Levon Lazarian answered the questions
    journalists put to them.

    Q:Was the statement coordinated with the coalition?

    A.R.: This is a call for dialogue, which is already offered by the coalition
    other member parties.

    Q: Do you view yesterday's arrest of Republic party member Suren Surenyants,
    attack on the head of the party's Ararat office and today's detention of six
    opposition activists as a call for dialogue?

    L.M.: If the opposition has no intention to abandon its ambitions of
    obtaining power, it should dictate political situation.

    Q: What way Dashnaktsutyun will act in the event of facing confrontation
    with people?

    A.R.: People don't want confrontation. Dashnaks intend to do their best to
    prevent confrontation. If we fail to avoid it, we will consider other

    Q: Don't you think that deadlock situation is created?

    A.R.: Incompatibility run high and tomorrow we can grow even worse. All
    possible efforts should be made to prevent any clash.

    Q: If clashes occur, don't you think they can escalate into civil war?

    A.R.: I don't think confrontation can turn into civil war. There are some
    rational ideas in the opposition stance but, at the same time, there is a
    hard-line approach. Authorities consider the opposition as revolutionary
    force. In all countries, the authorities' main tool is the law. Our current
    constitution gives the authorities sweeping powers while the opposition
    activists put themselves above the law.

    Q: If the coalition rejects your proposals, then what will be your attitude?

    A.R.: Possible agreement could speed up our country's development.

    Q: Is it possible you will quit the coalition in case of failure to reach

    A.R.: We are not fastened with the current status quo. Dashnaktsutyun party
    is eager for compromise and ready to prove that right now.

    Q: Asked about the idea of appointing opposition members to any post,
    Defence Minister answered he found it ridiculous. How you imagine an
    opposition representative in Security Committee?

    A.R.: Any step will be well thought-out. Today's situation needs concessions
    from at least one side.

    Q: Over what issues you are ready for compromise?

    A.R.: Anticorruption campaign and constitutional reforms.
