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Turkey Threatens To Cease Chemical Imports From France

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  • Turkey Threatens To Cease Chemical Imports From France


    Xinhua General News Service
    December 19, 2011 Monday 5:40 PM EST

    Turkey threatened on Monday to cease chemical imports from France,
    in an attempt to prevent the French side from passing a controversial
    bill criminalizing the rejection of Armenian genocide claims.

    France's National Assembly is expected to vote this week on the bill
    which recognizes the deaths of Armenians in 1915 as "genocide " and
    stipulates penalties for those who publicly deny the claims. Turkish
    officials said last week that if the French bill were to be passed,
    Ankara would recall its ambassador in France and freeze the bilateral

    Murat Akyuz, head of the Turkish Chemical Sector Platform (KSP),
    said Monday that Turkey's private sector is uneasy with France using
    political issues as a tool against Turkey, and that the chemical
    industry is ready to put some "indirect trade sanctions" against

    Akyuz said the government did not urge any sector to take action in
    this regard, but he added that the private sector is free to take
    the initiative to introduce some "indirect sanctions" on France.

    "Turkey has a noticeable share of French chemical exports ... We
    received chemical products worth 1.89 billion dollars from France in
    the first 11 months of this year; we are among the top five chemical
    importers from that country," he said.

    Chemical imports from France are expected to reach 2 billion dollars
    this year. Turkey exported goods worth 8.2 billion dollars to France
    last year.

    "We have no problem in switching our imports from France to other
    countries, such as Italy and Germany in Europe, or Saudi Arabia and
    Qatar in the Gulf ... We already have good trade relations with these
    countries," Akyuz said.

    He called on French politicians "not to let trade relations deteriorate
    at the expense of short-term political interests."

    He also called on other businessmen to consider similar " sanctions"
    against the European Union member, adding "We do not have to wait
    for the bill to pass the French parliament. If they are determined
    to use this card against us, we will not hesitate to respond with
    all the tools available to us."
