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House Committee Adopts Turkey Trade Preferences For Indian Tribal La

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  • House Committee Adopts Turkey Trade Preferences For Indian Tribal La


    Thursday, November 17th, 2011

    Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.)

    WASHINGTON-The U.S. House Natural Resources Committee voted today to
    limit foreign trade preferences on Indian tribal lands to one country -
    Turkey - after proponents of the measure, resorting to parliamentary
    tactics, blocked the consideration of a human rights amendment that
    would have provided investment opportunities to a broader range
    of qualifying countries, reported the Armenian National Committee
    of America.

    "The controversy over this preferential trade measure reflects the
    growing unease in Congress over an increasingly arrogant and aggressive
    Turkey that uses both high-priced lobbying and heavy-handed bullying
    to demand special treatment, even as it leaders disdain our values,
    undermine our interests, and threaten our allies." said Aram Hamparian,
    ANCA's Executive Director. "We are disappointed that the Sarbanes
    Amendment - a constructive measure which deserved an up-or-down vote -
    was blocked, not on its merits, but through parliamentary measures."

    "The ANCA joins with all our Armenian, Hellenic, and human rights
    community partners in expressing our appreciation to Representatives
    Sarbanes, Pallone, Tsongas and Duncan for all their efforts, and look
    forward to working with our allies in working reverse this measure
    in the interest of a strong, balanced, and moral U.S. trade policy,"
    added Hamparian.

    Maryland Democrat John Sarbanes (D-MD) led Committee efforts to amend
    H.R.2362 - The Indian Tribal Trade and Investment Demonstration Project
    Act of 2011, a resolution spearheaded by the Turkish lobby to provide
    special trade incentives for Turkish firms to invest on Indian Tribal
    lands. Citing concerns about Turkey's history of repression of its
    own indigenous populations and reports that the provision would
    violate existing U.S. trade agreements, Rep. Sarbanes argued that
    the legislation should be expanded to all countries with strong human
    rights records.

    Committee chairman Doc Hastings (R-WA), however, responding to an
    objection by Rep. Don Young (R-AK), ruled the Sarbanes amendment
    out of order, paving the way for a Committee vote on the underlying
    provision as introduced. Despite extensive debate, including strong
    statements by Rep. Sarbanes, Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair
    Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Rep. Nikki Tsongas (D-MA) and John Duncan (R-TN),
    the Committee adopted the measure by a vote of 27 for and 15 against.

    Joining Representative Sarbanes in voting against the measure were
    (in alphabetical order): Representatives Jim Costa (D-CA), Peter
    DeFazio (D-OR), Jeff Denham (R-CA), John Duncan (R-TN), Raul Grijalva
    (D-AZ), Rush Holt (D-NJ), Dale Kildee (D-MI), Raul Labrador (R-ID),
    Douglas Lamborn (R-CO), Edward Markey (D-MA), Frank Pallone (D-NJ),
    David Rivera (R-FL), Betty Sue Sutton (D-OH), and Niki Tsongas (D-MA).

    Voting in favor of the Turkey trade incentives bill were (in
    alphabetical order): Mark Amodei (R-NV), Daniel Benishek (R-MI),
    Rob Bishop (R-UT), Dan Boren (D-OK), Paul Broun (R-GA), Mike Coffman
    (R-CO), John Fleming (R-LA), William Flores (R-TX), John Garamendi
    (D-CA), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Colleen Hanabusa (D-HI), Andy Harris (R-MD),
    Doc Hastings (R-WA), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), Bill Johnson (R-OH),
    Jeffrey Landry (R-LA), Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM), Tom McClintock (R-CA),
    Kristi Lynn Noem (R-SD), Pedro Pierluisi (D-PR), Jon Runyan (R-NJ),
    Gregorio Sablan (I-CNMI), Steve Southerland (R-FL), Glenn Thompson
    (R-PA), Scott Tipton (R-CO), Robert Wittman (R-VA) and Don Young

    Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) "This amendment will open up the playing
    field fairly and benefit tribes by having more partners to work
    with," said Pallone at the Natural Resources Committee Markup on
    the legislation. "The Republic of Turkey acts increasingly hostile to
    U.S. interest and has a long history of human rights violations. Turkey
    is not a country that should be receiving preferential treatment in
    any sense and certainly not explicitly approved by this Congress."

    In the days leading up to today's vote, Armenian and Hellenic Americans
    from across the United States called on members of the U.S.

    House Natural Resources Committee to vote against this legislation.

    In a statement addressed to Natural Resources Committee Chairman
    Doc Hastings and Ranking Democrat Ed Markey (D-MA), ANCA Government
    Affairs Director Kate Nahapetian cited "serious moral and practical
    reservations, as well as the clear inequities and even potential
    violations of trade agreements" stemming from the adoption of this
    measure. She explained that "the U.S. Congress should not extend
    special economic benefits to a country that remains an unrepentant
    perpetrator of genocide against millions of its own indigenous
    minorities, including Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, and others."

    Nahapetian went on to reference a recent Congressional Research
    Service (CRS) report, which notes that H.R.2362 "could violate our
    obligations under NAFTA and the WTO General Agreement on Trade in
    Services (GATS)." The ANCA statement argued "It remains an open
    and unanswered question as to why Congress should give Turkey an
    advantage over other countries, such as Canada, that have not only
    shown a material interest, but have actually already entered into
    agreements with tribes."

    Similarly, American Hellenic Educational and Progressive
    Association (AHEPA) Chairman Dr. John Grossomanides explained,
    "AHEPA wishes to raise areas of concern that shed light on 1. Turkish
    threats to U.S. commercial interests 2) Turkey's mistreatment of
    minority communities, and 3) Turkish entities already in the United
    States. AHEPA strongly contends that these three areas of concern
    are quite germane to the legislation because they demonstrate Turkish
    attitude toward U.S. commercial interests and behavior toward minority
    communities and reflect the existing track record of Turkish entities
    in the United States."

    The Armenian Assembly of America (AAA), PSEKA (International
    Coordinating Committee - Justice for Cyprus), Cyprus Federation of
    America, Pancyprian Association of America, and the American Hellenic
    Council also went on the record opposing the bill.
