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Anca Troubled By Hagel's Genocide Stance

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  • Anca Troubled By Hagel's Genocide Stance

    11:32 25.12.2012

    The Armenian National Committee of America has said today that it
    is "troubled" by potential defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel's
    position on the Armenian genocide.

    "We remain troubled by former Senator Hagel's acceptance of Ankara's
    gag-rule on American honesty about the Armenian Genocide - the still
    unpunished crime against a Christian nation that continues to define
    Turkey's present-day policies toward Armenia and much of the region,"
    ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian said in an emailed statement,
    the Conservative Magazine reports.

    Hagel has opposed official U.S. government recognition of the genocide,
    and has declined to say whether he believes the massacre of more than
    1 million Armenians beginning in 1915 was in fact genocide.

    "What happened in 1915 happened in 1915. As one United States Senator,
    I think the better way to deal with this is to leave it open to
    historians and others to decide what happened and why," then-Senator
    Hagel told a group of Armenian reporters during a trip to the country
    in 2005.

    "The fact is that this region needs to move forward," Hagel added. "We
    need to find a lasting, just peace between Turkey and Armenia and
    the other nations of this region. I am not sure that by going back
    and dealing with that in some way that causes one side or the other
    to be put in difficult spot, helps move the peace process forward."

    ANCA objected to the argument that official U.S. recognition of the
    genocide would hinder peace between Turkey and Armenia.

    "As much as Erdogan and his allies might like, the 'lasting, just peace
    between Turkey and Armenia' that Chuck Hagel seeks cannot be built on
    Genocide denial. The U.S. and the international community must set an
    example by condemning the Armenian Genocide - and speaking out against
    all genocides, wherever and whenever they occur," said Hamparian.

    Hagel's record has already come under fire from the pro-Israel
    community, gay rights groups and Cuban Americans. The latest criticism
    from the Armenian-American community, which has many allies and
    supporters in Washington, could raise more concerns in the Senate
    over Hagel's potential defense secretary nomination.
