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Karabakh: From Tbilisi To Moscow

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  • Karabakh: From Tbilisi To Moscow

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 15:19:54 - 24/02/2012

    Russia launched humanitarian contacts with the Armenian and Azerbaijani
    intelligentsia. Representatives of intelligentsia of both peoples
    are currently in Moscow trying to talk.

    The decision to launch humanitarian contacts was taken at the Sochi
    meeting of presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia. Medvedev
    took charge of supervising the contacts with the aim to settle the
    dialogue between the two communities.

    The initiative is not new: international organizations have been
    holding various meetings with Armenians and Azerbaijanis for many
    years. The difference with the current meetings is that they are
    held in Moscow, while previously they were held in Tbilisi, Istanbul
    or Brussels.

    No need to dispute the fact that the lack of any contact between the
    communities leads to the deepening of the abyss. But, before holding
    such meetings, it is necessary to find out why these contacts suddenly
    stopped in 2000. It is not difficult to find it out: Aliyev junior,
    coming to power, changed the tactics of his father trying to settle
    relations and cut all relations with Armenia.

    This was expressed not only through prohibiting citizens to visit
    Armenia and pursuing them for "unauthorized contacts with the
    Armenians". No, this was only a consequence of the new policy. Aliyev
    considered wrong the policies of his wiser father, who used every
    means to achieve goals, including a retreat, and realized that the
    world has a permanent thing, and something more than ambitions. The
    son decided that ambition is more important, and proceeded to lock-out
    policy of Armenia.

    By and large, none of the policies brought Aliyevs to their goal -
    to return Karabakh but if the father tried at least to save his image,
    the son, is not going to do it deepening the abyss always more.

    Those, who try to organize cultural contacts, should direct their
    efforts to the change of the policies of Aliyev the son and not the
    condemnation of it. Because this policy is the reason of the lack
    of contacts.

    Otherwise, the meetings initiated by Medvedev will turn out
    "grant-eating" and "NGO tourism" just like they used to call the
    meetings of Armenians and Azerbaijanis sponsored by Western funds.

    Apparently, the Western funds understood the lack of any perspective
    of these initiatives, "ceding" this right to Russia.

    These meetings are not only unpromising, but they are also possible to
    give the opposite reaction. Say, if Azerbaijani intellectuals, having
    the same manners of Aliyev, keep saying at the meetings, that Baku
    will return its lands the same, and now they are just waiting for us to
    die from starvation, these meetings will just deepen the abyss between
    the peoples and even the wish to attend these meetings vanishes.
