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U.S. Senate Panel Approves Ambassadorial Nominee To Azerbaijan

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  • U.S. Senate Panel Approves Ambassadorial Nominee To Azerbaijan


    June 20, 2012 - 10:25 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - On June 19, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    voted to approve a number of Ambassadorial nominees, including Richard
    Morningstar, whom the Obama Administration designated to serve as
    Ambassador to Azerbaijan, reported the Armenian Assembly of America

    Morningstar's nomination comes amid Azerbaijan's brazen June 4
    ceasefire violation. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) stated that it was
    "absolutely critical that Ambassador Morningstar use his position to
    respond to and counter the government of Azerbaijan's escalating acts
    of aggression and threats against Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh."

    Responding to Senator Boxer's question submitted for the record,
    Ambassador-designate Morningstar pledged that "if confirmed,
    I will make the case that irresponsible rhetoric is unacceptable
    and undermines our efforts to achieve a peaceful settlement of the
    conflict. I will urge the Azerbaijani government to show restraint
    in its rhetoric and to prepare its people for peace, not war."

    During last week's confirmation hearing, Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
    also raised serious concerns about Azerbaijan's cease-fire violations
    that coincided with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's June visit
    to the South Caucasus region, and asked Ambassador-designate a series
    of pointed questions about the resulting escalation of tensions and
    U.S. policy to restrain Azerbaijan's bellicosity.

    Ambassador-designate Morningstar stated in response that there is
    no higher U.S. priority in the region than "the peaceful solution
    of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict." In addition, the nominee pledged:
    "I will do everything that I can to discourage" inflammatory language
    or any "actions that bring about loss of life," and create increased
    tensions or instability.

    Other Senators have also expressed concerns whether U.S. policy is
    tilted toward Azerbaijan in view of its oil resources, which finances
    its mounting purchases of offensive weapons. Both Morningstar and his
    predecessor designee, Matthew Bryza, have been active in facilitating
    negotiations over pipeline deals transporting Caspian oil to the West.

    "The Armenian Assembly continues to be deeply troubled by Azerbaijan's
    incessant war-mongering, including reports by RFE-RL that a
    kindergarten in the village of Chinari was peppered with bullets by
    Azerbaijan's June cross-border incursion," stated Assembly Executive
    Director Bryan Ardouny. "This is simply unacceptable," Ardouny added.

    In the Assembly's letter to all Members of the Senate Foreign Relations
    Committee as well as its June 4th letter to Secretary of State Hillary
    Clinton, the Assembly urged that the deplorable actions by Azerbaijan
    be "roundly condemned" and stated that all options must be on the
    table, including "fully enforcing Section 907 of the Freedom Support
    Act" as well as "ceasing all U.S. military assistance to Azerbaijan."

    Responding to the Assembly's letter on behalf of Secretary Clinton,
    Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Philip
    Gordon stated that "the United States has urged the parties to refrain
    from the use or threat of force, [and] as a Co-Chair of the OSCE
    Minsk-Group, we remain committed to working with the sides to achieve
    a peaceful settlement." In addition, the letter stated that U.S.

    "security assistance to the region is carefully considered to ensure
    it does not undermine efforts for a peaceful settlement in Nagorno

    Having cleared the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the next
    step in the nomination process is for the full Senate to approve
    Morningstar's nomination.
