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Erdogan: EU will lose Turkey if it hasn't joined by 2023

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  • Erdogan: EU will lose Turkey if it hasn't joined by 2023

    Erdogan: EU will lose Turkey if it hasn't joined by 2023

    09:25 31/10/2012 » Miscellaneous

    The European Union will lose Turkey if it doesn't grant it membership
    by 2023, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday,
    Reuters reported.

    It was the first time Erdogan has given an indication of how long
    Ankara might continue down the path towards EU entry, and his comments
    came at a time of growing alienation between Turkey and a political
    entity it feels has cold-shouldered it.

    Turkey's bid to join the EU, officially launched in 2005, has
    virtually ground to a halt in recent years due to opposition from core
    EU members and the failure to find a solution to the dispute over the
    divided island of Cyprus.

    Asked during a panel discussion in Berlin on Tuesday night if Turkey
    would be an EU member by 2023, Erdogan answered, "they probably won't
    string us along that long. But if they do string us along until then
    the European Union will lose out, and at the very least they will lose

    Turkey will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its foundation as a
    republic from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire in 2023.

    The predominantly Muslim but secular country of some 74 million people
    would strengthen the European Union, Erdogan said. Some 6 million
    Turks already live within the European Union, about 3 million of them
    in Germany, he said.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who Erdogan will meet on Wednesday,
    opposes full EU membership and favors a privileged partnership
    instead, although foreign minister Guido Westerwelle supports Ankara's

    Speaking at the opening of Turkey's new embassy building in Berlin,
    Westerwelle criticized the impasse in accession talks. "It is bad for
    both sides and next year, we want to make a new beginning to overcome
    this standstill."

    Earlier this month Turkey's economy minister Zafer Caglayan scoffed at
    the EU's winning the Nobel Peace Prize and condemned the bloc as the
    most hypocritical organization in the world, saying it had "kept
    Turkey waiting at its door for 50 years."

    Turkey has completed only one of 35 policy "chapters" every accession
    candidate must conclude. All but 13 policy chapters in Ankara's
    negotiations are blocked and the European Commission, the EU's
    executive arm, says Turkey does not yet meet required standards on
    human rights and freedom of speech.


    From: A. Papazian