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ANKARA: Quo Vadis Turkey?!?

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  • ANKARA: Quo Vadis Turkey?!? , Turkey
    Dec 31 2009

    Quo Vadis Turkey?!?

    Thursday, 31 December 2009 11:41

    (Open letter)

    Recent pictures and news from Turkey are indeed disturbing and painful
    and they made me ask myself: Why was the Ottoman Empire dissolved?
    Answers to this question vary but the main are: various overt or
    covert forces, nationalism and corruption, as well as religious,
    cultural and scientific primitivism. These are the approximate answers
    that can be found both in the past and present on this issue. However,
    recent events in Turkey gave me strength to find another, new answer;
    it is new for the time in which I live, but from its content it is an
    old one, because it can be found in various Revelations, including the
    Holy Qur'an, and that is: the fitnah is more dangerous or harder than
    a murder. It has destroyed societies and empires.

    Nevertheless, the Empire exists no longer, and instead a new modern
    state, Republic of Turkey was created or "inherited" the Empire, which
    through great difficulties came to what it is today. Of course that
    today's Turkey is not that Empire, but one should not forget the cream
    of that Empire gathered here, that is in this state. Thus we can say
    that this state was "born" after great pains, but for the sake of love
    and in the name of love it survived to the present days. Because love,
    sincerity and justice can keep this state on its feet; if it looses
    them, it will loose many, many things.

    Now, is it that what is going on and what we are seeing today
    accidental? Of course it is not accidental, because we are not
    responsible for accidents: we are responsible for everything that is
    going on in these parts. The factor for what is going on today in
    Turkey is man, namely the man of Turkey, a man whose roots go back to
    the ancient times, as well as in the Ottoman Empire. But, it seems
    that those responsible for the fall of the former Empire today are
    playing havoc in Turkey.

    In Turkey, unfortunately, the vocabulary of the meanings of words
    doesn't correspond with the reality, like for instance "democracy" in
    the entire world has its genuine meaning, both in the vocabulary as
    well as in politics, but in Turkey it has to have a different meaning.
    "Religion" in the whole world has its meaning, but in Turkey it
    doesn't correspond with the real meaning that it has in the modern
    world. This goes both for the bureaucrats as well as for the military.
    Democracy in the West is functioning properly and day by day assumes
    the form of stability, which can be noticed in the functioning of
    Western countries. Today one can't find any national or cultural
    discrimination between the French and Germans, the English or the
    Flemish. Of course, there are disputes, but not discrimination. This
    is noticeable in the European Parliament too, regardless of
    misunderstandings on various issues, which are being put into their
    proper places. But what is important here that I want to relate to
    Turkey's picture? One can not find within a country, be it Germany,
    France, England... certain force that ignores all values of the
    country in which it lives. And, unfortunately, this happens in modern
    Turkey during the last years, only because of disliking someone, many
    unjust actions are taken, in spite of the fact that such actions harm
    not only the state interests, but the state itself too. This is clear
    among different formations of the political "ground" and "underground"
    and, unfortunately, recently among the military ranks.

    This kind of "democracy" is humiliating both to the human mind and to
    the human culture too, because it gets away from its content. How can
    the issue of another ethnicity in Turkey be presented, when we know
    that the language of a people who have accepted and accepts to live in
    that country is banned. For instance, I have heard and seen when a
    song performed in Kurdish language caused qiyamah, while in Greek
    language it didn't cause any problem whatsoever, even more all danced
    with it. Why should this issue pose a problem? In the modern world
    this issue is regulated, and it seems that only in the Balkans and in
    the East, this is a "problem". The worst of all is that this is done
    by those who trumpet to have brought democracy and modernization in
    Turkey. Unfortunately, this is evident within the Turkish Parliament,
    and makes some of its members look silly trying to present a "truth"
    without the truth. If there is democracy ` it is there, if not ` there
    is not! Such mentality has cost a lot both the state and the people of
    Turkey. Let us not forget the issue of the Armenians, an issue that
    has unfortunately remained as inheritance from the "democrats" of such
    kind and their fatal mentality. In stead of taking lessons from that
    case, without entering into the interpretation of history of the kind
    of "debates" in media which for years continue in Turkey, today such
    cases are repeated, with other ethnicities. Of course, the opposition
    are those who incite such burning topics, because it seems that only
    there they see their "gain". I wish they could answer me how the
    future generations of Turkey could explain the "war" waged against a
    people, only because of someone's terrorist activities!?! I'm
    convinced that the opposition and supporters of the idea of war
    tomorrow will open the doors and, God forbid, will be forced to accept
    the mistakes, if it wishes to become a part of the modern world. And
    they will surely be forced to do that by the international factor, as
    they are today forced to accept certain things from the past.

    As I said before, religion too has its meaning in the world, but in
    Turkey it doesn't correspond with the reality. Today in the Western
    world, regardless of difficulties that religion and religious
    phenomena have in the theological and philosophical dimension, yet
    certain religious facility is obvious: religious institutions work
    properly and people have no problem with Christianity whatsoever. It
    is not possible to find a language, let alone official policy, that
    speaks against Christianity as it is done with the religion of Islam
    in Turkey. Such attitude and "democratic" mentality "democracy" of
    Turkey creates great difficulties for the sound religious and cultural
    reason. In stead of being in service of religion, state politics and
    the state itself have made a servant out of religion. Now, you see the
    problems that in the "modern" world are somehow regulated, yet in
    Turkey you have the Turkish Islam, alevism, sunnism, wahabism,
    atheism... which one of them is regulated or settled? In stead of
    leaving the religion alone to create peace and stability in the
    country, today religion in Turkey has become a "force" of the problem
    and day by day it is being undressed of its true meaning. As for an
    illustration, the issue of hijab is the most significant picture of
    this problem without a problem. It is an issue that all around the
    world has been settled: those who want to wear it they can do so and
    the others not, but they don't bother each-other, regardless of the
    support they find for their stance: some find their support in
    religion and others their non-support, also in religion.

    "Latest" problems, beginning with Ergenekon up to the idiocy of the
    cheep buy-sellers, "the fishermen of human souls", who are bought and
    sold so cheep only to come to power, prove that those who don't know
    to be an opposition will never be a position. Turkey's opposition in
    stead of dealing with high and progressive issues, it violates all
    rules and relations, namely the international conventions on human
    rights, only to come to power. It is shameful to see how Turkish
    opposition ignores state, national and cultural interests and with
    illogically confronts with the position in power, knowing that the
    latter has made from Turkey a state that during the most difficult
    economic-financial times during the last hundreds of years overcame it
    without any serious shaking. The power in Turkey has its legitimacy
    and its proving itself in the most wonderful way, starting with its
    results in economy, culture, science as well as in the development and
    progress of democracy. It observes the Constitution and existing laws,
    and yet it is prepared for greater, more efficient and more
    progressive reforms. All surveys in the world show that Turkey is
    becoming a modern and a strong state, which undoubtedly pleases all of
    us. However, the opposition objects such development and freedom in
    Turkey and they undertake terrifying acts, for which the people, and
    indeed the state itself will pay a high price. The opposition in
    Turkey is like the oppositions in many Balkan countries where I live.
    Even what is 100% good is opposed only because it's not a merit of the
    opposition, and the same is refused and opposed.

    As I said above, the opposition in Turkey is not a political
    opposition in the true sense of the word, but opposition to a certain
    person. So, only because they dislike the Prime Minister, the members
    of the opposition are trying to shake the state. This is being done in
    every step they take: in the Parliament, during highest state
    receptions which they boycott, in the media and, unfortunately, among
    the military. One should not forget the issue of stays behind the
    "unknown executors" of tens of thousands of criminal acts.

    It surprises and hurts me a lot to follow the events and see how they
    are interpreted in many of the TV channels and how the information is
    broadcasted. For years it is discussed about democracy, secularism,
    religion, hijab, religious and national "minorities" and "majorities",
    about various "isms". I don't believe that any of those who talk on
    these topics could use the same vocabulary in such debates in the
    Western world, because they would look ridiculous. This is the case
    with recent events, when because of some corrupt "gangs" and crazy
    persons, who shamelessly go out on the streets and throw Molotov
    cocktails and stones, again the "heads" were gathered in Turkish TV
    channels and started discussing about the necessity of return of state
    of emergency, or the coup d'état. How to comment on this?

    I myself have witnessed several social systems in the Balkans, as well
    as the dissolution of states. It is interesting that those, who
    claimed to be the proponents of those orders and "patriots", proved to
    be the main destroyers of those systems and states in whose names they
    raised their voices. I don't want to make such parallel with regard to
    Turkey, but it becomes a necessity. It is pitiful to see that in stead
    of doing their utmost in confronting such destructive phenomena for
    their own country, one part of the intellectual and cultural force of
    the country remains silent.

    Today it's not the time to remain silent; it is time to say the truth
    and to support the truth. The opposition can't live only by initiating
    and supporting the evil and the bad, but it should come forth with
    progressive and modern proposals and suggestions for Turkey. The army
    should protect and defend the peace, to stay as far as possible from
    incidents and provocations, without entering into adventures of
    military coup d'états, because they have never been successful.
    Intellectuals and religious institutions are the moving force, the
    spirit of the nation; they should be careful and take the courage for
    strengthening the stability for creating the modern Turkish state. The
    main supporting power for them must be justice, not fitnah.